A disciple is a student and follower of Christ. As Christians, learning is a lifelong journey that begins with church school, continues through confirmation and goes on through adulthood and until the end of life.
This is an opportunity to meet other people in a similar place in life, and to learn and grow in faith. The 20’s/30’s community is a collaboration of area ELCA churches and is made up of both people who feel completely at home at church, and people for whom church has not been their thing. Events include God Talk on Tap, Bible studies, retreats, and more! Join the Sharon Lutheran Young Adults Community FB Group to stay up to date on upcoming events.
This hour-long weekly Bible Study is held on Wednesday mornings at 9:45 a.m. in South Hall with pastoral staff as the facilitator. The topic is usually the next week’s lectionary readings. It is an opportunity to become familiar with these texts before they are read in worship and engage in discussion of the themes and ideas present. The coffee pot is always on and quite often snacks make their way into the room as well. We’ll see you there!
There are several small groups who learn and study together on different topics. These groups are hosted at locations outside of the church building. Contact the office to get connected with a small group!
This organization includes Lutheran women who gather in over 7,000 locations in the U.S. and the Caribbean for service, study, advocacy, fellowship, and more! WELCA embraces all kinds of ministries that support its mission of mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Click here to find out more! We also have several small groups of women who meet once a month for Bible study and fellowship. Contact the office to join a Circle Bible study!
The Golden Age Club is a program of Sharon intended to provide fellowship, food, fun, as well as a dose of inspiration and learning for those who have reached the golden years of life - we'll label that as 65 years or more (although IDs are never checked!). The gathering of this group normally takes place the second Friday afternoon of the month from September through June. Check the monthly calendar or the monthly newsletter to find out the date, time, and subject of this month's gathering!
Anyone is welcome to join us on the third Tuesday of the month in the Celebration Hall at 7pm to discuss the book of the month. To see the schedule and book list, please check the current month's newsletter or contact the church office. We read a little of everything!
Faithfully Fit is a non-denominational faith based exercise, devotion and health education program, structured to benefit the physical and psychological well being of our participants. This program includes warm-up & stretching exercises, low-mild low impact aerobics, strength training with hand weights or stretch bands, cool down & stretching, and ends with devotions. This program meets on Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 8:30 -9:30am in the lower level activity area. You may participate at the level you are comfortable with, sitting or standing. Please bring a water bottle. All are welcome!
Come join us for food, fellowship, and a film! Faith in Film is for anyone 18 or older who enjoys a good movie and enlightening discussion. For movie and showtime, check the monthly newsletter or Upcoming Events page. All are welcome (18 or older recommended).
The Sanctuary choir meets at 8:15am on the days they sing in worship (every other week) and helps lead music in the Sanctuary. The Handbell choirs meet on Fridays or Sundays and perform as scheduled in worship and at special events.
This is an opportunity for college students to enjoy some casual conversation and wind down from the week with a FREE lunch! This is a partnership with area churches and individual sponsors to offer a free lunch every Friday during the academic year. If you would like more information, please contact Steve DeKrey at sdekrey@sharonlutheran.org.
Meal Ministry volunteers bring meals to individuals who have recently had a new child, or are going through an illness, or who have recently lost a family member. If you would like to bring a meal to an individual or family in need, contact the office to sign up or submit your MyMinistry form today.
Sharing a meal after a funeral is an important time for families and friends to gather and remember their loved ones together. The meal is prepared and served by volunteers. Volunteers also prepare bars and other desserts to be served. To join this ministry team, contact the church office (make a link to contact us) or submit a MyMinistry form with the Funerals Ministry selected.
Faith Formation Ministries recognizes that the seed of faith starts at birth and it is our covenant to grow and nurture that faith
by building relationships with our young people, by supporting young people's relationships with God, by living one’s faith through
mission and service, and by experiencing faith as a vibrant and compassionate way to live life connected to God and others.