We offer Church School from 3 years old-5th grade. We provide Faithful Families church school (multiage family church school) on Sundays from 9:00am - 9:45am and a Classroom Church School on Sundays from 10:30am - 11:30am. On Wednesdays from 5:15pm-5:45pm, we provide Faithful Families Church School (multiage family church school) and a Classroom Church School on Wednesdays from 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
3-4-5 ALIVE
A weekly program for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to gather together in community for Bible learning fun through stories, games, food, and friends. We meet on Sunday afternoons from 3:45-4:45 pm in the Living Room (lower level youth room) from Oct-May. There is no cost or registration for this program, and students can join us as often as they are able! Join us and be part of 3-4-5 ALIVE!
Bible Camp is a wonderful opportunity for youth to spend time together outdoors in God’s wonderful creation and learn and grow in their faith. Watch for registration in the spring.
We will be hosting Milestone Ministries events for each age/grade level. These may take place via Zoom, or if CDC, County, and City guidelines permit, we may host these as in-person sessions in small groups (socially distant, with masks required and families seated around tables). Please follow the link below and register your learner(s) on the appropriate sign-up. Reminders and other details will be emailed closer to the events.
We offer many child and family events all year long including a Fall Festival, Trunk or Treat, ADVENTure, Lenten Learning, Easter family event, and more. New events are added all the time. Watch the Upcoming Events page and the Calendar for more information.
Faith Formation Ministries recognizes that the seed of faith starts at birth and it is our covenant to grow and nurture that faith by building relationships with our young people, by supporting young people's relationships with God, by living one’s faith through mission and service, and by experiencing faith as a vibrant and compassionate way to live life connected to God and others.